For those that the 60-days trial period is ending soon, please remember to top-up your account to ensure continue usage.
Further details has already been emailed to the registered contact person.
Please check OR you may call (and provide your SiteID) to us at +603 8601 3319 (Azmi & Ms. Sharon) for more details.
Thank You, MRC iCAP Team
Compliance Audits
MRC conduct yearly compliance audit on all Thatcham compliant claims estimating systems in Malaysia. This audit ensure that all repair times
and parts prices used in the estimating system are correct.
About Us
Formed on 1st November 1998 to build such a database to provide standards, and reduce subjectivity, the database acts as a point of reference
and records to improve claims processing and increase transparency.
MRC, with its certified and accredited front-end estimating system software houses, is at the hub of the motor vehicle repair and
claims processing industry in Malaysia. MRC, as the industry appointed standards centre, has the resources to provide the management and communications
infrastructure for the entire claims process.
Shareholders of MRC are HeiTech Padu Berhad and MNRB Holdings Berhad (MNRB) which are both public listed companies on the first
board of the Malaysian Stock Exchange.